The Beginning of the End

So often in life you wonder of that which ended.

Where did the end begin? Did you not see it coming? Or did you see and then choose not to look? When did that exact moment happen?

The beginning of an end in a relationship, in a career, in sports,in friendship where does it start? How does it happen? Are you at that point in time aware of a certain closing, a certain shutting off ? Do you then sense a new beginning or does the end shut you down altogether?

Can we so to say, hold on those moments and subtly alter their course, influence the end or the next beginning?

When did that hotel which was doing such brisk business begin to fail?

When did that family which looked so tight, strongly bound begin to crumble?

When did that young person flashing his muscles begin to be a bore for her who adored him?

When did she who seemed to have the world at her feet, literally, lose it all?

I have no answers. I do think though that if  we are tuned in to our intuition we  perhaps can have an idea of the whys and hows? But one couldn’t be sure.

If you can answer all questions you would be god, some one joked the other day. I wonder though if He who knows it all, knows it well! Perhaps he is wondering too….


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